Monday, October 5, 2015

scared I will turn out like my mother.

There's two types of people in this world. Those who are fine and those who have every illness know to man
I grew up with the second type.
I'm scared that if I get sick, I wont  know if I'm really getting sick or is it just MENTAL
I scared to be dependent because that's all you were 
Hospital bills stacked 10ft tall, high enough to dunk
dunk millions of unheard dieases and illnesses into an arena full of excuses and dulisons 
As the crowd on the stand watches, cheering for rare moments when your real self shows, the real self without a problem
Could it be all for sympathy
Or just for the drama 
a storyteller for a living

Writes dramas
lives a drama. 

Maybe there's a reason I don't have a lot of girl friends. 
And I reason I need yoga and the moutains 
Reason I'm attracted to guys with chill  personalities and poor choices
Maybe a reason for the anxiety 

I'm not blaming you 
But you showed me what I don't like
There's good about you and then there's bad.
The day you told me you wanted to disOWN me, I knew. 
I was unloading your car full of groceries while you were unloading yourself on me. I realized something.
 age 14. 
you don't want to be my mom.
And that your actually not required to love me. 
It didn't come in the small fine print on the back side of my birth certificate. 
No it's a choice 
You raised me 
Taught me
I saw the good 
But then you stopped rasing me 
And It got easier to realize the bad

I know I sound harsh
I'm just trying to write words on a dumb blog post for Creative writing. 
And this is what's coming out 
We've never really talked about this before and I've never had to
But It's amazing what u can teach yourself by just writing words down. 
I honestly don't think about you too much and your effect on my life NOW is little to none. 

you got mad at me for ripping up my art
Told me it was to good to do that and the imperfections are what makes it mine own
taught me about nutrition, habits
Started my love for books
Forced me to do yard work for hours and hours, which taught me a good work ethic 
Made me hang out with siblings, then became close with them 
Incouraged creativity 
Discouraged technolgy 
Develop me in more then just one talent 

And I'm very grateful for those things you gave me.

Your part of who I am today but not apart of what I am today

I'm not going to parent my kids like you 
But I'm me and your you

And I'm sorry I've always called you crazy
Cause we're all crazy

But force talking on the phone for 3ish minutes every 50 ish days, 7ish times in 364 3/4 ish days a year does not help.
Lying to me to make your life exciting and dramatic doesn't appeal to me
Your a storyteller 
You've published books cause of it 

I miss my little sisters like hell.

So then again with the two types of people in the world. Their are those who are mothers and those who choose to be 

 And I think I'm fine with what you choose 


  1. "I know I sound harsh
    I'm just trying to write words on a dumb blog post for Creative writing.
    And this is what's coming out"

    Uhhh How it's done

  2. Dude that was good. I feel you on the parts where theres some good things about her but that doesn't make her a good person.

  3. And I reason I need yoga and the moutains
    Reason I'm attracted to guys with chill personalities and poor choices\
    dude this whole thing is gold,
