Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Puberty with a side of fried brain cells

Depressed and brainless. 
The high is never worth the low.
You were confident and crazy
Where'd you go
You look broken and I don't know how to FIX you.
You said the static came. Cold and emotionless. 
We watched warm bodies 
Warm body
White will HELP the static 
You want to be able to realize your flying kites again. 
Instead of not feeling 
Frog boiling in hot water
You said you wouldn't ever get there
But now the color white looks good.
You want your confident and crazy back
Your real self.
That only comes with the USE of somthing that is not you.
You look like your not here. All packed up and moved somewhere else on a tR.I.P.
Your sad.
Controlled & Addicted 
Come back


Get others help, or get yourself help. It will not lead to happiness, it will make you sad. Too many, and not enough I recognize anymore. 
I for one like my brain. 


  1. The title? WOW.
    The content?
    so good. soooooooooo good.

  2. Can I just ditto Korra??? Holy neptune this is great!

  3. I love this. Puberty with a side of fried braincells. I hat to be a broken record but dang.... Korea and Pseudonym are right.
