Sunday, September 20, 2015

Best friends my butt.

Were very welcoming, always a good time, the best company. My husband makes the best steak. Our kids are running around the yard together chasing a raccoon. Me and my husband on one side. You and yours on the other. We're at the point where were crying from laughing too hard while still trying to fork in that amazing steak. After dinner me and you move to the kitchen. We're washing the dishes. You mention the time we told our parents we were sleeping over at each other's houses and drove all the way to ephrom, tears flow again. Our boys are in the living room now talking up about the 49ers playing the lakers in feild hockey. Later we move to the pourch swing, stars out, summer night, nothing's better. We find out my little boy kissed your little girl in a game of truth or dare, the story is too funny to imagine. our stomachs hurt from laughing too hard. We're not even talking anymore we're just grasping for breath. It's starting to get late, kids dropping in sleep everywhere. My husband helps gather them up to carry them to your old beat up mini van which just happens to be sliver. I come give you a hug, it's not a long one cause after all I'll see you next Sunday, like always.

But we don't even talk anymore
Wasn't worth it for you to even pick a fight with me, you just went quite
We just stopped being friends
And now I'm not in your life and your not in mine
Best friends my butt.