Monday, November 2, 2015

How to get by as average for dummies

1.) lay low 
2.) wear colors that blend in with lockers (grey-ish blue)
3.) kidding about #2 
4.) dont branch out, stay with the friends you've had since jr. High 
5.) dont date anyone. (Moment you do your get a millions of opinions and judgements)
6.) dont do change
7.) wear scandals, sandals are in
8.) personal hygiene (self explanatory)
9.)  social media- fallow the fallowing norms (Have more people following you then you are fallowing, only post every week or so. Don't tweet real feelings. Only retweet)
10.) lastly, don't be depressed, don't have anxiety, don't love anyone, and don't be good at anything.  

If you just fallow these ten easy steps, your guaranteed results in no time! 


  1. "10.) lastly, don't be depressed, don't have anxiety, don't love anyone, and don't be good at anything"
    Loved this list #stolen

  2. 5.) dont date anyone. (Moment you do your get a millions of opinions and judgements)


  3. "Don't tweet real feelings. Only retweet"

