Wednesday, November 25, 2015

bbloggin her reveal


I see the glass half empty
But it's filled with cranberry juice
And I don't like cranberry juice.
So it's blessing it's half way to being empty

Humors dry. Could set a match and it would burn fast

I have a love hate relationship with nachos

theres somthing out there that scares me everyday.
But that's how I know I'm living. More then any pulse or mirror could reinsure me.

Im a newb 

I don't eat meat.
Orange chicken from Panda Express and cold cut turkey slices from subway
Don't count.
They are the exceptions. Used to think my personality was cold cut
But then I realized it's not an exception.

Very weird 

I'm a street walker at night. But only in the winter season. I like to stare down the freezing silence of the moons smile, till mine freezes with it.

drive home after a yoga session of meditation, put on hard rap. 
Or after a hard workout put on meditation music
There's no in between 

I'm an anti video gamer. Until it comes to COD nazi zombie. I feel like it's okay to game if we're shooting at the original shooters. Even though It's not.


Im the laziest worker I know. Unless it gets me out of work then I'm the hardest worker I know.

I will Judge you souly on your music type

an artistic soul

Ex athlete

Big time dreamer, even if that sounds dumb


Hater of a lot

Tree freaken hugger 


Adverge joe

Curly haired tom boy

Advid music listener


Bad at finances

Award winning dirty room

Being tech savy is a joke

Licker of the cream of Oreos

Cheater in the class of chemistry

But really I'm

Just a


Trying to get


Of suburbia

Monday, November 23, 2015

No edit

I'm scared I'm going to become high maintenance. Boredom is killing my soul. There's a fine line between being an artist and being bored. I'm getting to close to it. I DONT SPEND ENOUGH TIME OUTDOORS. Read a book in 5th grade about assassins. Said routine is the easiest way to get yourself killed. That always stuck with me. I want a boy to see me. I get so intimated around people who are good at art. Girls camp theme was "you are enough". Well I hope so. I hate driving a mini van. I hate even more that in not grateful for a damn car. I want to go outside and walk the streets. Scared my dad will piss out if I do cause it's 1:30 am. I'm all talk anyways. my beds too warm. Spent way too long on this ipood today. Arrrgghh. Im so scared I'm going to get fat. Suposed to be writing about music. MUSIC IS LIFE. That's all I got to say about that. Glad for my friends who came in right when I needed them most. Really happy right now. Haven't cried in a loooong time.  Love my family life. Me my dad and my brother and my sister are a cool mix. Weird artisy people, that's my kind of crew. I should go to bed. Sfgskdkehehxydjak I don't want to. cause then I have to wake up to walking in a prison made of white walls and high school spirit, all at 7:42 in the bloody morning. I don't learn shit on my senior year schedule. It's kinda late. I'm going to close my eyes now. Wonder if anyone will read this cause I posted so late. Why don't I read books anymore? 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Never liked red before

I like that you held my hand but confused, I could have sweared you reached for it first. 
But my dad always told me not to swear, and coach would make us run if we did.
But your confidence is hot, even tho the more I hang around you the more Luke warm it gets.  
first initial attraction was to the way you carry yourself. Didn't notice you before, till I saw the ease you had in stride.  
Asked you if you liked Radiohead, you answered back asking if that was even a question. That's somthing else by itself. But then again there's moments were its so off. Somthing or somewhere you go that I can't come along.  In your mind there is a mystery. And I want to know it. I hate that I can't read you like my books. And not knowing what you think about me or yourself makes me 
into you. 
It's probably just the music, it's always the music that makes me feel more. more then my flat line emotions. That are stuck constantly in my 129 lb body frame. That only lets emotions leak with the sound of somthing that enhances them. It's probably the warmth of your body heat and the cold of mine. And the canyon. 
Frick it's defiantly the canyon and that moment. nature always does that to me. 
Whyed you ask me if I had any pets? It was quite in the car, but was it really that bad. Was it that awkward you had to ask if I owned pets? That was bad. And you didn't come to the door. But I know you have to focus on other things. You have to get back out there. And I understand that. But man I just bought new capstick.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

if i wasnt mormon i would be buddhist


The word Buddha means the awakened or enlightened one. Buddha's main goal was to end humans sufferings by eliminating ignorance and carving. Buddhist believe they can accomplish this by direct understanding and perception of dependent origination and the four noble truths.

1.) the truth of dukkah is all conditional phenomena and experiences are not ultimately satisfying (anxiety, suffering, not being happy)
2.) the truth of the origin of Dukkah is that craving for and clinging to what is pleasurable and aversion to what is not pleasurable result in becoming, rebirth, dissatisfaction, and re death (addictions, things that control you, materials, wealth, popularity, obsessions, challenges) 
3.) the truth of cessation of Dukkha is that putting an end to this craving and clinging also means that rebirth, dissatisfaction, and re death can no longer arise (becoming selfless, other before you, getting rid of addictions and things that control you) 
4.) the truth of the path of liberation from Dukkha is that by fallowing the noble eight fold path -namely, behaving decently, cultivating discipline, and practicing mindfulness and meditation_an end can be put to craving, to clinging, to becoming, to rebirth, to dissatisfaction, and to re death (instructions to happiness, everyone's ultimate goal)
simple down Truths:
  1. the truth of suffering (dukkha)
  2. the truth of the cause of suffering (samudaya)
  3. the truth of the end of suffering (nirhodha
  4. the truth of the path of that frees us from suffering (magga)

-a person may awaken from the "sleep of ignorance" by directly realizing the true nature of reality

 -Bodhi and nirvana carry the same meaning, that of being freed from craving, hate, and delusion.

 In Buddhism, mindfulness and clear awareness are to be developed at all times;

The five precepts are training rules in order to live a better life in which one is happy, without worries, and can meditate well:
  1. To refrain from taking life (non-violence towards sentient life forms), or ahimsā;
  2. To refrain from taking that which is not given (not committing theft);
  3. To refrain from sensual (including sexual) misconduct;
  4. To refrain from lying (speaking truth always);
  5. To refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness (specifically, drugs and alcohol).

 It is said that wisdom and compassion are the two eyes of Buddhism.

 For Buddhism, as in Hinduism, this is the moral law of cause and effect. People build up karma (both good and bad) as a result of their actions. This then determines the state of existence to which one is reborn after birth. In Buddhism, the different levels can include hells, humans or animals in this world, or one of several heavens


kar·ma  (kär′mə)
1. Hinduism & Buddhism
a. The totality of a person's actions and conduct during successive incarnations, regarded as causally influencing his or her destiny.
b. The law or principle through which such influence is believed to operate.
2. Fate or destiny resulting from one's previous actions: "[The pitcher] had mostly avoided damage through the first four innings despite putting at least two runners on base three times, but he could not hold back the bad karma any longer" (Ben Shpigel).
3. Informal A distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling: There's bad karma around the house today.

DivisionEightfold factorSanskrit, PaliDescription
(Sanskrit: prajñā,
Pāli: paññā)
1. Right viewsamyag dṛṣṭi,
sammā ditthi
Viewing reality as it is, not just as it appears to be
2. Right intentionsamyag saṃkalpa,
sammā sankappa
Intention of renunciation, freedom and harmlessness
Ethical conduct
(Sanskrit: śīla,
Pāli: sīla)
3. Right speechsamyag vāc,
sammā vāca
Speaking in a truthful and non-hurtful way
4. Right actionsamyag karman,
sammā kammanta
Acting in a non-harmful way
5. Right livelihoodsamyag ājīvana,
sammā ājīva
A non-harmful livelihood
(Sanskrit and Pāli: samādhi)
6. Right effortsamyag vyāyāma,
sammā vāyāma
Making an effort to improve
7. Right mindfulnesssamyag smṛti,
sammā sati
Awareness to see things for what they are with clear consciousness;
being aware of the present reality within oneself, without any craving or aversion
8. Right concentrationsamyag samādhi,
sammā samādhi
Correct meditation or concentration, explained as the first four 
 Lord Buddha Wallpaper #19
I know this blog post sounds like a Wikipedia web page. but i wanted to be very informative, kind of like a research paper, and more for myself then you.

I think this religion is beautiful,

the idea of becoming that selfless and not of the world is so attractive to me. 
Its insane to me that people are able to make this their lives.
I look up to this religion in so many ways
If i wasn't Mormon i would be Buddhist.
I want to be able to not be so dependent on materials and comfort that i have so much in my life. 
gratitude comes few and rare for me
but i have so much to be grateful for 
their religion believes so much in simplicity 
how to become the best human possible
and to find happiness
I know there's truths in almost all religions
I also know this post has nothing to do about my blue ticket i drew with a word on it, I'm sorry but not sorry
I'm writing this for myself. for me to not be ignorant in other religions and to i guess give a big kudos to people who are Buddhist.
hope someday to travel and learn a whole lot more about you guys and the beliefs you have 
you guys are awesome
your religion really is beautiful
that's all i got to say, i guess

Monday, November 2, 2015

How to get by as average for dummies

1.) lay low 
2.) wear colors that blend in with lockers (grey-ish blue)
3.) kidding about #2 
4.) dont branch out, stay with the friends you've had since jr. High 
5.) dont date anyone. (Moment you do your get a millions of opinions and judgements)
6.) dont do change
7.) wear scandals, sandals are in
8.) personal hygiene (self explanatory)
9.)  social media- fallow the fallowing norms (Have more people following you then you are fallowing, only post every week or so. Don't tweet real feelings. Only retweet)
10.) lastly, don't be depressed, don't have anxiety, don't love anyone, and don't be good at anything.  

If you just fallow these ten easy steps, your guaranteed results in no time!